We will always give you our best recommendation for you to be the healthiest person you can be. We recognize that insurance companies pay for chiropractic care using 1 of 3 criteria:
None of the criteria, number of visits, dollars or days has anything to do with your health. So we have created several affordable policies to allow you and Dr. Plasker to work on the big picture which is regaining your health.
In 1992 the Journal of American Health Policy reported that after reviewing data from over 2,000,000 users of chiropractic, "chiropractic users tend to have substantially lower total health care costs." and "chiropractic care reduces the use of both physician and hospital care." |
In most cases insurance covers chiropractic care without a referral from your medical doctor.
The following is a list of insurance carriers our patients use that contribute to chiropractic at some level.
We are happy to file your insurance for you.
If you have any questions please call our office 201-505-9355.
Asterisk* --- denotes insurance plans in which we fully participate. However, they are subject to change. Please call our office to confirm
Aetna US Healthcare
Anthem Health and Life
Empire Blue Cross Blue Shield*
Blue Choice*
Great West Life
The Guardian*
Health EZ*
Health Partners*
Horizon Blue Cross Blue Shield
Oxford Health Plans*
United Healthcare*
and many more